Digital collections from Virginia and West Virginia cultural heritage organizations including libraries, library systems, historical societies, museums, archives and educational institutions will be considered for inclusion in the Digital Virginias Service Hub based on the criteria outlined below. All metadata harvested by the Service Hub will be ingested by the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) and made available under a Creative Commons Zero Public Domain Dedication.
Digital Virginias uses a sub-hub model where the initial six partners train and carry out the review and aggregation for new partners. UVA is the primary hub to DPLA with the subhubs pushing data to UVA.
Teams made up of representatives from hub institutions work in collaboration to support, learn and implement activities for digitization, metadata standards and rights statements.
Consistent metadata across the Digital Virginias Hub
Copyright status and permissions to re-use digital resources
What types of collections are best suited for inclusion in Digital Virginias?
Script Library
Scripts used to transform metadata into the correct format for ingest by DPLA
Funding structure
Get in touch
Digital Virginias understands that we all may not be able to meet these expectations at every step. We are here to help you understand what it will take to make your collections available. Contact Us to ask your questions, find out more, and determine how Digital Virginias may be able to help you digitize, describe, and make your materials available online. We strive to be as inclusive as possible with our work and would like you as part of that effort.